


LOGISTICS Bachelor’s studies, Master’s studies (4 terms)


In recent years, through its development, Poland has become a very attractive part of Eastern Europe for investors. Western companies enter our market in order to open new factories and warehouses, giving new places of employment. The rankings and analyses of the labour market carried out recently show that logistics professional is ranked first among the most wanted occupations, as indicated by employers.


You are invited to full-time and part-time studies at major Logistics.

The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw has been educating graduates of Bachelor’s and Master’s studies in the field of logistics science for 18 years. Experienced and qualified scientific staff provides knowledge at the highest level in the field of, among others:


  • Global logistics, supply, distribution, transport, marketing,
  • Green logistics, reverse logistics, urban logistics and e-logistics.


Logistics is associated with almost every branch of economy. It is an intensely developing sector of the market what guarantees a constant increase in new jobs, and consequently gives the opportunity to find a well-paid job immediately after graduation, or even during studies . The prospects for the future are promising, which is why it is worth considering this field of study. The reputation of the diploma obtained in the course of Master’s and Bachelor’s studies at the IULT in Wroclaw are the key to career and the best investment.


List of specialties in the field of logistics:

Purchasing Logistics, Production Logistics, Trade and Distribution Logistics, Logistics Systems

Industrial Systems Engineering


You are invited to studies at the IULT in Wroclaw.


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Дуальне навчання

Метою Дуального Навчання є надання студентам можливості навчатися і отримувати досвід на практиці. Програма Дуального Навчання передбачає проходження студентом практики або стажування два дні на тиждень і отримання за свою роботу заробітної плати, не нижче оплати за навчання. Робота за фахом, відповідно до обраної спеціальності, можлива вже на II році навчання. На дуальній програмі можна навчатися на напрямку «Логістика» (ступінь інженера і бакалавра) та «Транспорт» (ступінь бакалавра).

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Міжнародний університет логістики і транспорту у Вроцлаві
 вул. Солтисовіцка 19 Б         51-168 Вроцлав
 тел: (71) 324-68-42  вн. 225        

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